Monday, 12 March 2012

Annual leave and leaving...

In the name of Allah, i write this entry.

This week is a school holiday week. Helang pun ambil kesempatan untuk bercuti juga, nak bawa anak-anak helangku itu berkelah di PD. Ek eleh, PD je... Ingat jauh benar nak pergi.

Before that am attending training for two days, so am leaving my office for almost the whole week.

But, as I walked out of office, started my engine, I took a glance at my office building. My heart felt heavy, I can't barely breathe. For a while I thought as if my leaving is for forever. Apakah???? Time will tell....

P/s: yuhuu!!! Cuti-cuti malaysia


SY said...

Lalink, don't leave me lorrrr..... (cry..cry..cry..)

Helangmerah said...

Relax lah... baru cuti seminggu..