Tuesday 13 March 2012

Kejamnya manusia...

Dengan nama Allah Helang mulakan post.

Helang dah baca berita ni few days back. Masa tu memang perasaan sedih menghantui diri. Sesedih Helang, tentu lebih sedih ibubapa dan orang sekeliling yang terlibat.

How can people do such thing to this poor little kid? She's just a baby for godsake! Why don't we learn from the past experience? Remember Nurin Jazlin? And the killer is still at large!

I have kids around this age. I hope Allah will always protect them from any harmful event. I don't want to blame her mother, but to you all out there, jangan take for granted with your children. You should remember, as long as they are still kids, they are fragile. Tak payahlah buat alasan anak tu independentlah, apalah.. Budak tu kecik lagi, faham tak??

I am so sad and angry at the same time. Mudah- mudahan Allah lindungi kita dan keluarga kita dari musibah begini. Amin.

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